Yet another book blog…

Here’s an odd assortment of books I’ve accumulated since the vintage paperback collecting bug bit me in the late ’90s. I’ve managed to build a small but diverse collection, refusing to spend more than $10 on any one book.

At the dawn of eBay, I managed to make a pretty penny selling some of my more desirable books and I’m still kicking myself for getting rid of them. I have no intention of getting rid of these things anytime soon unless someone makes an offer I can’t refuse or my wife forces me to!

I’m throwing images up and few tidbits of info but, given the fact that some far-more-knowledgeable people have spent much time and effort researching these moldy tomes, I’ll leave most of the nitty-gritty details on the sites and in the hands of the guys/gals that make that info available. I’m adding links to the best informational sites I can find and linking to Wikipedia within the posts, simply because it’s a split second quicker to find out about an author, artist or title. It’s more for me than anyone ๐Ÿ˜›

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